Bringing cutting-edge science to the public. Teaching students through hands-on activities. Building an inclusive scientific community.
The Space Explorers Program
I was the lead instructor for an extracurricular science program for Chicago high-schoolers from 2015-2016, and every week I developed and taught a set of hands-on labs about music and electronics. Students learned the basics of waves, Fourier methods, circuits, and programming, all while enjoying music. I was also an instructor and teaching consultant for the program’s residential summer and winter camps, which covered topics from the science of espionage to powering a city in space to Mars exploration.
Public and Technical Talks
I have given numerous talks at scientific conferences and in public venues such as at bars, senior centers, and high schools. These talks have spanned topics from the first detection of gravitational waves to the philosophy of science. I am available to give talks in person or virtually.
Humans of LIGO
Science doesn’t happen without scientists. Major discoveries are often the product of hundreds or thousands of scientists from all over the world working together. To highlight the scientists in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, I lead the Humans of LIGO blog, a collection of pictures, quotes, and biographies of gravitational-wave experts.
I have mentored multiple exceptional graduate students and undergraduates as they work on research projects in astrophysics. Beyond mentorship on technical projects, I also co-founded the UChicago physics graduate mentorship program known as GradInfluences. The program paired senior graduate students with first-years to help the incoming students navigate their PhD in physics.